28 Dec 2017

Steps To Break The Bad Food Habit

Struggling with giving up bad and unhealthy foods? Here are some useful quick tips to break the bad food habit. Breaking habits is not easy; go easy on yourself, weaning slowly from one food at a time. Be sure to pat yourself on the back with each victory. There are many ways to break habits: here is one way.

1 - Inform Yourself
The first step is to observe yourself: figure out when -- and why -- you eat that particular food. Watch yourself and listen to your internal conversation as you reach for that food you are trying to eliminate. 

2 - Write it down
This seals it and gives you a baseline. It also makes your eating more conscious. Be sure to include all the emotions attached to the food, whether cultural, social, or just that it makes you feel good. Keep the writing for about a week while you analyse the data and look at what your usual triggers are. Write out a list of the pros and cons of this behaviour and keep a record of when you do it. Measurement of anything tends to change it and makes you much more aware in the first place.

3 - Change it up
Next, concentrate on changing up your body's environment. The African Bio Mineral approach is to change up the  body conditions to prepare for replacing the bad food. Doctor Sebi recommends fasting first, but if that is too challenging, then get a Cleanse Package. These are the best ways to help your body and mind respond better to change. 

Emah Shae #emahshae www.emahshae.com

26 Dec 2017

Understanding Cholesterol & Choosing Your Salt

Sea salt is mineral rich. All other salts deplete your reserves. Himalayan pink salt is rock salt mined in Pakistan and has only recently been removed from the approved list.

"Salt is a major part in blood pressure (sea salt does not fall in this category). Regular salt has sand and sediments in it and what happens is this:

You eat the salt, salt flows through your Arteries, the sediments in the salt SCRATCHES the wall of the Arteries, so your body produces Cholesterol which it send to repair the scratch ARTERY. So then, you eat more salt and the process happens again as this repeats your Arteries get CLOGGED by the Cholesterol. This is the process called HOMOCYSTEINE. Hence why Doctors say you also have high Cholesterol and prescribe you meds. This is the real reason why people have Heart attacks. 

Lets understand CHOLESTEROL. The body produces cholesterol to repair scratch blood vessels and hospitals use it on burn patients ...reason being cholesterol allows the body to produce new cells.  A person can have so called HIGH cholesterol and be perfectly healthy but a person with low cholesterol but HIGH HOMOCYSTEINE levels can DROP DEAD of an heart attack. This constriction of the blood vessels together with low natural foods to repair are part of the contributing factors of HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE as well."

The moral of the story is: eat only salts and recommended foods. Visit www.emahshae.com for a free copy of the Food Guide. 

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

17 Dec 2017

Doctor Sebi on Sarsaparilla

"Now, why the sarsaparilla.has made such a great impression on me..., because I have been using many herbs in addressing the blood, but the sarsaparilla overnight... in fact, in minutes after taking the organic herb of the sarsaparilla, you will see the benefits of it immediately. One of the things that it does is calm the central nervous system.  Ionisation: calms the  central nervous system. Besides ionisation, it gives you energy. It’s the spark plug of the body. It’s the greatest cleanser you ever had in your life, the Sarsaparilla.  The sarsaparilla is the highest concentrated plant for iron; the most powerful agent in reference to iron of any plant." - Doctor Sebi 

ALWAYS purchase Jamaican, Mexican, or Honduran sarsaparilla only: the latin name is smilax ornata. All other varieties of sarsaparilla are NOT the same plant. You can purchase Jamaican sarsaparilla at www.herbalsdirect.co.uk or your local herb store. 

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

14 Dec 2017

Meet Kale: Your New Friend With Benefits

If you have not tried kale yet, now may be the time. This super green is packed to the max with nutrition that puts it high on the list of the world's healthiest foods.
As Doctor Sebi has already advised, spinach is not recommended and cannot come close in comparison to the number of nutrients that kale provides. It may not be an original food, but it is close to original, presents as non-detrimental to our bodies, and has chemical affinity... despite contrary reports out there. Including kale in your diet provides nutrients that support healthy skin, hair and bones, as well as healthy digestion and a reduced risk of heart disease.
Other possible health benefits of kale include improving blood glucose control in diabetics, lowering the risk of cancer, lowering blood pressure and lowering the risk of developing asthma.

Potassium. Lots of it. High potassium intakes is associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and reduction in the formation of kidney stones.
For blood pressure, increasing potassium intake is just as important as decreasing sodium intake for lowering blood pressure because of potassium's vasodilation effects.
Also excellent for cancer, bone health, aiding digestion, and for healthy skin and hair.

Use it raw in salads, or steam cook it like any other greens. Also, kale makes an excellent quick snack as Kale Chips. Here's a quick instructional video how: https://youtu.be/n-jPkDcuUsg

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Stages of a 30-day Fast

Stage 1 (Day 1 To Day 2)
On the first day of fasting, the blood sugar level drops below 70 mg/dl. To restore the blood to the normal glucose level, liver glycogen is converted to glucose and released into the blood. This reserve is enough for half a day. The body then reduces the basal metabolic rate (BMR). The rate of internal chemical activity in resting tissue is lowered to conserve energy. The heart slows and blood pressure is reduced. Glycogen is pulled from the muscle causing some weakness. The first wave of cleansing is usually the worst.
Headaches, dizziness, nausea, bad breath, glazed eyes and a heavily coated tongue are signs of the first stage of cleansing. Hunger can be the most intense in this period unless the enema is used which quickly assists the body into the fasting state by ending digestion in the colon.

Stage 2 (Day 3 To Day 7)
Fats, composed of transformed fatty acids, are broken down to release glycerol from the gliceride molecules and are converted to glucose. The skin may become oily as rancid oils are purged from the body. People with problem-free skin may have a few days of pimples or even a boil. A pallid complexion is also a sign of waste in the blood. Ketones are formed by the incomplete oxidation of fats. It is suspected that the ketones in the blood suppress the appetite by affecting the food-satiety center in the hypothalamus. You may feel hungry for the first few days of the fast. This effect is temporary. The desire to eat will disappear. Lack of hunger may last 40 to 60 days, depending on whether you are on water or juice.
The body embraces the fast and the digestive system is able to take a much-needed rest, focusing all of its energies on cleansing and healing. White blood cell and immune system activity increases. You may feel pain in your lungs. The cleansing organs and the lungs are in the process of being repaired. Periodically, the lymphatic system expels mucoid matter through the nose or throat. The volume excreted of this yellow-colored mucus can be shocking. The sinuses go through periods of being clogged, then will totally clear. The breath is still foul and the tongue coated. Within the intestine, the colon is being repaired and impacted feces on the intestinal wall start to loosen.

Stage 3 (Day 8 to Day 15)
On the latter part of an extended fast, you can experience enhanced energy, clear-mindedness and feel better than you have felt since childhood. On the downside, old injuries may become irritated and painful. This is a result of the body's increased ability to heal during fasting. If you had broken your arm 10 years before, there is scar tissue around the break. At the time of the break, the body's ability to heal was directly related to lifestyle. If you lived on a junk-food diet, the body's natural healing ability was compromised.
During fasting, the body's healing process is at optimum efficiency. As the body scours for dead or damaged tissue, the lymphocytes enter the older, damaged tissue secreting substances to dissolve the damaged cells. These substances irritate the nerves in the surrounding region and cause a reoccurrence of aches from previously injured areas that may have disappeared years earlier. The pain is good as the body is completing the healing process. The muscles may become tight and sore due to toxin irritation. The legs can be the worst affected, as toxins accumulate in the legs. Cankers are common in this stage due to the excessive bacteria in the mouth. Daily gargling with salt and water will prevent or heal cankers.

Stage 4 (Day 16 to Day 30)
The body is completely adapted to the fasting process. There is more energy and clarity of mind. Cleansing periods can be short with many days of feeling good in between. There are days when the tongue is pink and the breath is fresh. The healing work of the organs is being completed. After the detoxification mechanisms have removed the causative agent or render it harmless, the body works at maximum capacity in tissue proliferation to replace damaged tissue. While a short fast will reduce the symptoms, a longer fast can completely heal. Homeostatic balance is at optimum levels. The lymphatic system is clean except for a rare discharge of mucus through the nose or throat. After day 20, the mind is affected. Heightened clarity and emotional balance are felt at this time. Memory and concentration improve.

Stage 5 (Breaking the Fast)
The sticky, toxic, mucoid coating on the intestinal wall is loose, and the first meal frees it from the intestinal wall. Toxins enter the blood through the colon. The gallbladder dumps its waste in a heavy discharge of bile. This can cause an instant bowel movement upon eating followed by intense diarrhea. If the symptoms are too uncomfortable, a colon cleanse will help.

Here's how I fasted and reversed my Diabetes Type 2. Perhaps you can heal yourself, too? http://emahshae.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/my-healing-fast.html

#curezone #emahshae www.emahshae.com

Feed Your Body Minerals

"Did you ever realize how much your body loves you? I mean its always trying to keep you alive. That’s all your body has to live for. Your body is making sure you breathe while you sleep, stopping cuts from bleeding, fixing broken bones, finding ways to beat the illnesses that might get you. Your body literally loves you so much. It’s time you start loving your body back." 

For natural and native herbal compounds rich in minerals having chemical affinity with the body, visit www.emahshae.com

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Some Benefits of Irish Sea Moss

"Seamoss is alive... Seamoss is natural". - Doctor Sebi

This almost-tasteless seaweed is loaded with life-enhancing nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, among others. It is effective against diseases from cancer, diabetes, radiation poisoning, obesity, to cholesterol build-up and so on. Jamaicans popularly consume irish moss or sea moss because of its reported abilities to boost male libido and increase sperm count. Irish moss can be cooked, made into drinks or beverages, and even eaten raw or dried. Below are only a few of its benefits:-

* Skin, Muscle and Joint Pain
This "wonder seaweed" is known to cure various skin diseases, such as dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and sunburn. The moss can be applied topically or added in baths to moisturise and hydrate the skin. It is also said to prevent varicose veins, rashes and inflammation, as well as provide relief for muscle and joint pain. Irish moss is also known to be an aphrodisiac because it increases libido not only when taken orally but also when used in baths.

* Fungal and Microbial Infections
Irish moss has antiviral agents that cure and prevent respiratory ailments such as pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, flu and even tuberculosis. It is rich in potassium chloride, which is said to dissolve catarrhs, a mucus discharge caused by the swelling of the mucous membrane. This moss also has antimicrobial agents, which are used in making antibiotics to help fight bacterial and fungal infections. Eating the moss regularly can help cure, as well as prevent, these types of diseases.

* Thyroid-Related Diseases
The substantial amount of iodine found in sea moss helps in the production of thyroid hormones. The body needs iodine to strengthen the immune system in order to fight diseases. It actually serves as a microbial agent in which it filters out germs and other bacteria during blood circulation. Microorganisms easily enter the body through cuts or wounds of the skin, and via throat and nasal passages. These organisms are then transported by the blood to other parts of the body during blood circulation. If the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, then iodine is needed to help fight off these microorganisms.

* Food Additive
This type of seaweed contains carrageenan, an additive used to stabilise and emulsify food in order to retain its flavour and colour. The carrageenan is extracted from the sea moss and used to make gels to add to any kind of food that needs to be stabilised and thickened. There are also recipes that contain dried or raw sea moss as an ingredient.

* Accelerates Recovery. 
Irish Moss is great for strengthening connective tissues which makes it excellent for recovery from strenuous exercise, or even more extreme injuries, surgeries, or invasive procedures.

* Promotes Gorgeous Skin.
On the beauty front, irish moss can deliver a serious beauty boost because of its high sulfur content. You can apply the gel directly to your skin for a mini face lift, or consume it as a food and allow the nutritional boost to up your pretty factor. Irish moss can help to rehydrate dry skin, and leave it feeling smooth and supple. It is also effective on a number of severe skin disorders, including eczema, psoriasis, bad sunburns, and rashes.

* Encourages Healthy Digestion & Elimination
The fiber content in Irish moss makes it a mild and effective laxative; simultaneously it soothes inflamed tissues of the intestinal tract which provides relief for intestinal disorders. In regard to promoting good digestion, Irish moss’s demulcent properties soothe the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and the gelatin-like content helps to ease gastritis, dyspepsia, nausea, heartburn, indigestion, and can be used to prevent vomiting.

* Weightloss. 
Irish moss reduces the appetite by virtue of its ability to nourish with minerals, absorb moisture, increasing its volume and filling the intestinal tract with a bulking-type material, increasing the feeling of fullness and also aiding in the elimination process of waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Taking the moss improves thyroid function because of it’s iodine content, which in turn boosts metabolism, increases energy, and can help accelerate weight loss.

* Cure for Coughs, Respiratory Issues, & the Common Cold. 
Because Irish moss is an expectorant it can break up mucus and help clear out the lungs of any phlegm that builds up with a common cold, alleviate inflammation of the nasal passages, ease sore throat or dry coughing, and also can treat other respiratory problems such as bronchitis and even pneumonia. It is especially effective for pulmonary (lung) complaints with its ability to absorb liquid and eliminate it from the body.

* Assist with Healing of Radiation Poisoning & Cancer.
Irish moss is very helpful with the recovery of radiation poisoning and cancer. It actually absorbs toxins from the bowel and this gangsta seaweed literally draws radiation poisoning out of the body.

 Available  raw, wild-crafted, and hand-harvested from www.herbalsdirect.co.uk 

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Keep Your pH Alkaline

Why is pH Important?
An acidic pH – which is anything lower than a 7.0 – can lead to a host of health problems. The body is electric and is designed to thrive in an alkaline state (typically 7.4 pH); in an acidic one, tissues just don’t repair and regenerate (leading to things like signs of premature aging), elimination from the system is not conducted efficiently (causing a backup of toxins throughout the body, which further impairs functioning) and cells don’t receive the oxygen they need. A cell without oxygen is like a fish without water… and we know what that means. Acid in the body is linked to insulin sensitivity, cholesterol accumulation in the arteries, and ALL DISEASES as mucus builds up in the body.

How Does The Body Become Acidic?

Over time, the introduction of outside substances changes the body’s pH. It’s no surprise that food – and the quality of it – will have a substantial impact on the body’s acidity. A diet of fast food, meat, dairy, acid sugars, and alcohol increases the body’s acidity exponentially. Because the body seeks its ideal pH, it will pull alkalizing minerals from organs and tissues to buffer and remove acid from the system. If this carries on, cells and structures start to corrode and fall apart.

The Good News
Choosing an electric & alkaline whole foods, plant-based lifestyle not only protects you from ALL DISEASES, thanks to the plethora of powerful life-energy disease-fighting compounds found in them, but electric plant foods are the most alkalizing of anything we can consume. Eliminating meat and dairy intake and replacing with recommended alkaline plant foods you eat each day has been shown to remove cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. The reason for this is two-fold: disease cells require an acidic environment to proliferate, and an alkaline body has more robust immune defenses.

Sharon Herbalist Ross #emahshae #onegreenplanet www.emahshae.com

8 Ways To Use Cucumbers Facially

1. Cucumber helps a great deal in fading the nagging dark circles around your eyes. Just rub cucumber slices on your dark circles or apply the juice of cucumber around your eyes. Wash off after 10 minutes. Your dark circles will start reducing gradually on continuous use.

2. Grate a cucumber and squeeze it to extract the juice. Dab cucumber juice on your skin. It will take 15 minutes for cucumber juice to seep into your skin. Then wash with fresh water.

3. You can treat puffy eyes with cucumber easily. Just place cucumber under your eyes to reduce the water retention that causes puffiness of eyes. Cucumber helps in lessening the puffiness of eyes instantly.

4. You can make an excellent toner out of the juice of cucumber. You can either blend it with lime juice, Irish moss gel, Shea butter, agave or tomato. Cucumber juice alone is a wonderful face toner. Just apply fresh cucumber juice on your face for ten minutes. Wash off.

5. Deseed the cucumber; blend it with a 1/4 cup of fennel and Irish moss gel to make a purée. Apply on your face and wash off after 15 minutes. This face mask is a great aid in making your skin soft and glowing naturally.

6. Mix cucumber juice and lime juice in equal amount; apply this mix on your acne and acne marks. This magical home remedy is very helpful in removing acne and its ugly scars.

7. Cucumber juice mixed with coconut water is a great home remedy to help to fade all types of blemishes from the face.

8. Mix cucumber juice with hempseed milk and apply this mix on your face for 5-10 minutes. This face toner is very effective for oily skin.

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Doctor Sebi On Vitamin Deficiencies

Just eat iron. Lots of it. Get it in. 

"Being that iron is magnetic, it has a tendency to pull other minerals to it. It pulls magnesium, zinc, gold, calcium, phosphorous, etc. It would be safe to say that when you take large doses of iron that you are taking all the other minerals." 
- Doctor Sebi


  • Sarsasparilla – Highest content of iron
  • Purslane – Rich in iron
  • Kale – Rich in iron
  • Dandelion – Rich in iron
  • Guaco - Rich in iron 
  • Burdock - Rich in iron
  • Bugleweed - rich in iron 

You can get these and other herbs from www.herbalsdirect.co.uk

Emah Shae #emahshae bit.ly/sebiherbs www.emahshae.com

Nutrition Ramblings - How To Stop Eating Meat

Why is it so hard to give up on eating meat? Why are we so very quick to dismiss even trying sometimes? We hear all the time just how bad they are for us, and now, with all the drugs and chemicals pumped into them, it's even worse! They're nothing like what our grand-parents fed on. For me, it has been a process. According to Doctor Sebi, "we need to wean ourselves from these foods".

But why is this meat thing so hard? Even when we research and acknowledge that chickens, cows, pigs, and sheep are all UNNATURAL man-made animals, we still eat them! Here what I deduce: it's the IRON in the blood. That iron gives us such a high. It satisfies. We bite into that meat, and we feel like we've had something solid to eat.

You see, the blood is primarily IRON. Yes, our blood and the blood of animals.... IRON. The more challenged we are to stop eating meats, the more deficient in IRON we are. After hundreds (even thousands) of years of eating incorrectly, we are all anaemic: some more than others. Be easy on yourself. It's a process. Slow is better than nothing at all. But, we must get started.

To accelerate your transition to an electric LIFE-SUSTAINING meat-free disease-free lifestyle, we must top up on our IRON from native plants and herbs. Not iron isolated as an "active ingredient" or made in a lab. Forget going to the chemist or pharmacy. Only IRON from all-natural native sources will satisfy, heal, and have chemical affinity with our bodies. Here are a few:-

  • Sarsasparilla (highest concentration of iron in a plant)
  • Burdock root
  • Yellow dock
  • Red clover
  • Bugleweed 
  • Quassia 
  • Holy Thistle (aka Blessed Thistle)
  • Stinging Nettle
  • Chaparral
  • Dandelion

You can get these herbs from www.herbalsdirect.co.uk

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Chayote (Cho Cho) Facts

Also known as Chocho, Mango Squash, Christophine, Vegetable Pear, and Chuchu.

Most versatile plant on Earth.

1. The leaf, root, seed, stem, and fruit all edible.
2. Leaves and fruit have diuretic cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory properties.
3. The leaves can be boiled and used in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, hypertension and dissolving kidney stones.
4. Best to cook organic with the skin, which provides fibre.
5. The root, seed and leaf make a healthy juice.
6. The fruit can be use as a perservative and it was used in the mummification process in Egypt.
7. Minerals - zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. 

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Doctor Sebi On His Methods

A biochemist sat in the audience at one of Doctor Sebi's lectures and questioned him about how he uses herbs in his products.

"The man asked me, 'Do you intend to isolate the active ingredients of the plants and apply them to your therapeuticals?' Where do you think this biochemist got his information? From his books, right? From his schools, right? I know that. The active ingredient. 

There are 102 minerals in everything that exists that is natural. If you take clouds and take them to a laboratory and break them down, you'll find 102 minerals. Sea salt, 102. The human body, 102. Well, anything that is unnatural doesn't have that arrangement, like carrots and beets and rice and beans. They don't have that. This man is asking do you intend to isolate the active ingredient. 

Let us assume that this circle is the burdock plant. Burdock has 102 minerals. But in the arrangement of 102, there is one that is called the active ingredient. That is the one that is more in percentage. There is calcium. There is phosphorous. There is iron. There is magnesium and zinc. But they all are distributed proportionately. But iron is the largest one. Out of all the minerals, iron occupies the majority of the structure. 

What he's asking me is do I intend to remove the iron over here by itself and leave the 101 behind. But in the arrangement how much are there? 102. But if I remove 1, I leave 101 behind, right? But this one was in an arrangement with the other 101 to supply it with what it needs to exist. If you remove it, sir, it becomes a protoplasmic poison. 

The man looked at me and realized that the school didn't teach him that. The school came out of philosophy, not out of seeing. When you see and when you believe- two different things. When someone educates us is one thing but when you see, it's all together different. 

So when the man said do you intend to isolate the active ingredient I said no sir, absolutely not. Life doesn't express itself in one. You've got to use the whole plant, not part of it. And the man said thank you, Doctor Sebi." 

Extracted from "SoJourn to Honduras, SoJourn to Healing" by Beverly Oliver 

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Red Raspberry Leaf - Uterine Health

For uterine health. As its name suggests, raspberry leaf is the leaf of the raspberry plant. Well known for its benefits during pregnancy, and is beneficial to women at all stages of life. 

Naturally high in magnesium, potassium, and iron which make it helpful for nausea, leg cramps, and improving sleep during pregnancy. The specific combination of nutrients in raspberry leaf makes it extremely beneficial for the female reproductive system. It strengthens the uterus and pelvic muscles which leads to shorter and easier labours.

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

How To Use & Some Benefits Of Prickly Pear (Nopal)

(Aka Nopales, Mexican Cactus, Cactus Fruit)

ANTIBIOTIC: The nopal is a natural antibiotics, this property is related to the crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in the plant, which in cacti inhibits or stops the growth of several bacterial species. Hence both the consumption of nopal as well as applying poultices from its leaves, have beneficial effects on wounds and skin infections.
ATEREOSCLEROSIS: The Cactus has antioxidant and anti-Ateroesclerosisinflammatory components, they are in the form of polyphenols , sterols and glycoproteins. In addition and equally as important is that regular fresh nopal cactus juice concentrate or powder help to prevent the primary cause of heart disease.
BLOOD PRESSURE: Each 4-ounce prickly pear provides 227 milligrams of potassium. A high-potassium, low-sodium diet can prevent high blood pressure or help you lower your blood pressure if it is already high.
CANCER: The cactus contains a lot of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The insoluble dietary fiber absorbs water and gently supports the passage of food through the digestive tract and contributes significantly to regulate the movements of the whole system. In turn, the presence of these dietary fibers helps to dilute the concentration of potentially cancerous cells that arise in the colon.
CARDIOVASCULAR SUPPORT: The antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of Nopal cactus (Prickly Pear) may promote excellent heart health.
CHOLESTEROL: Nopal cactus fruit contains 3.7 grams of dietary fiber, which lowers levels of unhealthy LDL cholesterol. Another benefit of prickly pears is that they are free from saturated fat and cholesterol, which are cholesterol-raising components in many foods.
COLON: The active ingredients found in the nopal, prevent the colon absorption of excess fat and carbohydrates, so that an appropriate balance is maintained in the blood level and obesity is controlled. As a fibrous plant, cactus contains high levels of soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers support the uptake of glucose into the intestine while insoluble fibers reduce excess bile and potential carcinogens that may arise in the colon, through the absorption and excretion, helping to keep the body clean and in good condition.
CONSTIPATION: The fibers contained in nopal contribute to good digestion preventing constipation problems.
DEPRESSION SUPPORT: Nopal cactus (Prickly Pear) helps to increase the production of tryptophan which is a precursor of serotonin (a neurotransmitter that affects our mood and sleep patterns) as well as niacin (which is a key vitamin for vitality and nutrient absorption).
DIABETES: Regulation of blood sugar for patients with diabetes. Prickly pear cactus provides more energy and reduces fatigue by helping to reduce the level of blood sugar. Nopal strengthens the liver and pancreas by increasing insulin sensitivity, which simulates the motion of the glucose in the cells of the body where it is used for energy, thereby regulating the level of blood sugar. It also decreases the digestion of carbohydrates by reducing insulin production.
DIGESTION: Minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron, assist in detoxifying the body in general. Its antioxidant power provides adequate protection from environmental toxins and reduces the harmful effects smoking or drinking alcohol.
GASTRIC ULCERS: Vegetable fibers of the prickly cactus control excess gastric acid production and protect the stomach lining and intestines.
HYPERGLYCEMIA:  High blood sugar levels: It has been clinically proven in studies that nopal helps reduce hyperglycemia before and after meals. The nopal cactus has been shown to contain a unique profile of high amounts of insoluble and soluble fibers. These dietary fibers levels help prevent rapid absorption of simple carbohydrates such as sugars in the blood stream during the digestion stage of a consumed meal.
IMMUNOLOGICAL SYSTEM: The cactus contains minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and fiber (lignin, cellulose, pectin and mucilage ) which help eliminate toxins, detoxify and support the liver, other organs and the body in general. Environmental toxins (known as free radicals) caused by alcohol and cigarette smoke, among others, inhibit the body’s immune system. However consumption of nopal eliminates its presence. The phytochemicals present in the cactus are powerful allies for the immune system, so the body can optimally defend against attack by pathogens.
LIVER AND PANCREAS: Compared to other plants the prickly pear cactus is very high in nutrients that help strengthen the liver and pancreas. The health of these two glands is very important to convert carbohydrates into glycogen which can be used as energy for the body.
OBESITY: Due to the high amount of fiber the prickly pear cactus helps delay the time at which nutrients are absorbed and enter the blood and therefore facilitates removal. Similarly, plant proteins liquids are mobilized faster through the bloodstream, contributing to the reduction of cellulite and fluid retention. It is therefore recommended to take it with key lime juice or sour orange juice. Also, the insoluble fibers it contains create a feeling of fullness, thereby lowering the hunger of the people and help a good digestion because it supports in regulating bowel movement.
URINARY SYSTEM: The juice of nopal is used to reduce pain in the urinary system.

Eye health
Immune system boost
Increase in energy
Neutralization of free radicals
Protect cells from toxins
Protection against fluid retention
Protection from premature aging
Protects your liver
Reduces blood cholesterol
Reduces inflammation
Reduces the risk of blood clot
The juice is great for reducing fever and the fruit is ideal to combat excess bile, whose main function is to assist in the absorption of fats.
Also the pulp of the fruit is very effective against diarrhea, and roasted leaves were used as a poultice (for pain and inflammation in cases of burn), while the root is extremely useful for the treatment of hernia, liver irritation, stomach. And a small paste helps with toothache.

COSMETIC: The cactus has many properties in chemical composition that can be used to develop cosmetics. Obviously, their use brings all your nutritional properties to benefit the skin and hair of humans.
To do this, different processes have been used for soaps, creams for various applications like in shampoo, rinse, conditioners, masks, night cream, astringent lotion, shower gel, stylizing hair gel, ointment, eye shadows and other products derived from nopal. All this because the cactus has an excellent property to retain moisture in the skin.

If you are going to cook with your nopales the same day, keep them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, it can be kept well for several days.
No matter how you prepare nopales, it will be necessary to remove the thorns first. This is done by taking the stalk carefully in one hand and in the other a very sharp knife.
Using a sharp knife, scrape the nopal at the base of each spine so that it is separated from the stalk. Work slowly and carefully.
The use of nopal is diverse: it could be used in juices, sweets, sauces, salads, stews, jams, broths, soups and many other ways, is also found in a dehydrated powder form which you can use in smoothies, soups, juices, etc.

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Best Ways To Alkalize The Body

* Fast: it's the quickest way back to health. Just stop eating. More tips on types of fasts here: http://emahshae.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/types-of-fasting.html

* Clean the cells: remove the excessive mucus created by the mucous membrane channelling acids away. Get an African Bio Mineral Cleanse Bundle: they are the very best natural compounds to clean on an intracellular level. Available at www.emahshae.com

* Eliminate the intake of acidic foods, such as high hybrid grains, sugar, dairy products, fish, processed foods, fresh meats and processed meats, sodas and other sweetened beverages, vitamins, and extracted mineral supplements. Download the Food Guide at www.emahshae.com

* Consume plenty of high pH natural spring water. This will flush toxic materials from the body at a faster rate. A gallon or 4 litres a day is recommended 

* Increase the intake of natural leafy greens, which can alkalize the body. Include them in juices, smoothies, and salads. See the Food Guide for recommended greens

* Reduce the stress levels and forget about anger, fear, and resentment, as they can produce acidity of the body fluids. Instead, try practicing meditation and yoga. Or better yet, get outside if you can into the wild, forest, or local park. 

* Avoid GMO foods.

* Add key limes to your spring water: approx one key lime per gallon or 1/4 per litre. Also add shavings of burdock root and other high pH herbs, available fromwww.herbalsdirect.co.uk 

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Important Minerals of the Body

To heal it isn’t necessary to understand the scientific aspect of it but you must understand the herb that correspond with the disease that is manifesting…" -Doctor Sebi 

There are 142 minerals on the planet which each express themselves in a different way. They cannot be generated by the body and must be consumed through an outside source. Here are five important ones:

is the main part of bones and teeth. Not only does this mineral promote bone health, but calcium also regulates muscle tone, blood clotting and the ability of fluid to pass through cell walls. Over two pounds of calcium can be found in the bones and teeth of an average adult, making it a vital dietary aspect throughout a person's lifetime.

POTASSIUM helps to regulate waste balance and blood pressure. The mineral acts as a catalyst by helping to send oxygen to the brain. It also aids in the breakdown of carbohydrates and protein in the body. A lack of potassium in the diet can result in poor reflexes, respiratory failure and even muscle damage.

is mostly found within the bones. This mineral helps to regulate metabolism and the cholesterol within the body. Magnesium also aids in turning blood sugar into energy as well as producing a calming effect on the nervous system. The body usually digests up to 45% of the magnesium it intakes through the consumption of vegetables and grains. A person lacking the required amounts of magnesium can suffer from nervousness, heart spasms and kidney stones.

IRON is found within every blood cell. This mineral aids in the production of hemoglobin and myoglobin which, in turn, builds the quality of the blood. Iron also helps the body resist stress, prevent fatigue and disease. A person with an iron deficiency may suffer weakness, paleness and anemia.

PHOSPHOROUS, is an important mineral found in every cell, and is a key component of the underlying structure of DNA. It also helps form the cell membranes that control what can and cannot enter an individual cell. Like calcium, phosphorus lends its strength to teeth and bones. Phosphorus also helps individual cells to convert food into energy, and is also a major player in the systems that maintain a balanced pH within the body.

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Some Health Benefits of Sea Vegetables

"Seamoss is alive... Seamoss is natural". - Doctor Sebi
Sea vegetables are just what they sound like: greens that grow in the sea. These healthy vegetables include nori (what your sushi is wrapped in), wakame (what is in your soup), arame (often in your seaweed salad), dulse, kelp and hijiki.
Grown in the depths of the sea, these green wonders are full of minerals essential to human health and nutritional balance.
Sea vegetables can help with everything from reducing blood cholesterol, removing metallic and radioactive elements from the body, and preventing goiters. Seaweed also has antibiotic properties, may counteract obesity, could improve digestion and nerve transmission, and strengthens bones and teeth. To top it off, sea veggies have been researched as a beauty aid for their skin-improving and anti-aging properties.
Recommended sea vegetables are Irish Moss (or seamoss), wakame, kelp, nori, hijiki, harame, and dulse

Clean Your Blood Naturally

with whole recommended greens like kale, amaranth greens, lettuce (except iceberg), poke salad, watercress, purslane, dandelion greens, turnip greens, and sea vegetables. Whole plant chlorophyll and human blood have the same molecular structure. Eat the leaf of the plant: chlorophyll removed from its natural environment will be dead and acidic. 

#emahshae www.emahshae.com

Are You Dehydrated?

Dehydration, which occurs when the body has insufficient water and other fluids to function properly, can lead to blood clots, seizures, and other potentially fatal complications. Even mild dehydration can have adverse effects on mood and energy. Catch dehydration early on. The signs aren’t always obvious ones like thirst and fatigue.

Here are six surprising indicators that you might be dehydrated.

1. Bad breath.
Saliva has antibacterial properties in it, but dehydration can prevent your body from making enough saliva. If you’re not producing enough saliva in the mouth, you can get bacteria overgrowth. One of the side effect of that is bad breath.

2. Dry skin.
As you go through various stages of dehydration, you become very dizzy and you don’t have enough blood volume so you get very dry skin. Because the skin is dry and not evaporating as well, you can also experience flushing of the skin. In cooler seasons or climates, the symptoms may be milder or come on slower, but it’s still possible to be dehydrated or suffer from heat illness in cooler weather.

3. Muscle cramps.
The hotter you get, the more likely you are to get muscle cramps, and that’s from a pure heat effect on the muscles. As the muscles work harder and harder, they can seize up from the heat itself. Changes in the electrolytes, changes in the sodium and potassium can lead to muscle cramping as well.

4. Fever and chills.
It might sound counterintuitive, but if your body is severely dehydrated you may experience symptoms like fever or even chills. Fever can be especially dangerous, so be sure to seek immediate help if your fever rises over 101°F.

5. Food cravings, especially for sugars.
When you’re dehydrated, it can be difficult for some nutrients and organs like the liver which use water to release some glycogens and other components of your energy stores, so you can actually get cravings for food. While you can crave anything from dates to a salty snack, cravings for sugars are more common because your body may be experiencing difficulty with glycogen production. Craving something sweet? Reach for an approved fruit or vegetable with high water content. Some fruits and vegetables are more than 90% water — including melons, strawberries, cucumber, lettuces and leafy greens, courgettes (zucchini), tomatoes, and bell peppers.

6. Headaches.
The brain sits inside a fluid sack that keeps it from bumping against the skull. If that fluid sack is depleted or running low because of dehydration, the brain can push up against parts of the skull, causing headaches.

How to Check If You’re Dehydrated

Not sure if that sweet craving or muscle cramp is a sign you need to hydrate? Here are two other ways to check if your body is dehydrated.

* Try this skin test. First, use two fingers to grab a roll of skin on the back of your hand (between where your watch sits and where your fingers start). Pull the skin up about ½ to one centimeter high and then let the skin go. The skin should spring back to its normal position in less than a couple of seconds. If the skin bounces back slowly, you might be dehydrated.

* Check your urine. If you’re well-hydrated your urine will be mostly clear with a tinge of yellow. Yellow, chardonnay, and orange are the “warning” colors to watch for. When your body is about three percent dehydrated your urine will be noticeably yellow. When your body is about five percent dehydrated, your urine will appear chardonnay-colored. When your body is more than five percent dehydrated – which is considered severely dehydrated – your urine will appear orange.

Tips for Staying Hydrated
* Keep your water bottle handy.
* Spice up plain spring water.
* Try different teas.
* Makeover your snacks.
* Pile on the raw vegetables.
* Sip more during meals.
* Opt for room temperature spring water.

Dr. Sebi recommends that drinking a gallon of natural spring water daily helps to produce the most beneficial results for the African Bio-Mineral Therapy Program.

Which water to drink?

Natural spring water only. No exceptions. No brands endorsed. Look for 'spring water' on the label. Always check the source.

Emah Shae #everydayhealth #emahshae

Wild Plants As Foods

A Neglected Goldmine Of Nutrients
Ma was right all along. Grandma also told you they were good for you. So why do we eat green leafy plants only about once or twice a week?
Leafy plants are ideal for weight management and are useful in reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease since they are low in fat, high in dietary fiber, and rich in potassium and magnesium, as well as containing a host of phytochemicals, such as lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. One study showed that an increment of one daily serving of green leafy plants, lowered the risk of cardiovascular disease by 11 percent. In the Adventist health study, the frequent consumption of green plants by African-Americans was associated with a substantially lower risk of mortality.
Because of their high magnesium content and low glycemic index, green leafy plants are also valuable for persons with type 2 diabetes. An increase of 1 serving/day of green leafy plants was associated with a 9 percent lower risk of diabetes. The risk of hip fracture in middle-aged women was decreased 45% for one or more servings/day of green, leafy plants compared to fewer servings.
Lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids found in dark-green leafy plants, are concentrated in the eye lens and macular region of the retina, and play a protective role in the eye. They protect against both cataract and age-related macular degeneration, the major cause of blindness in the elderly. Studies show that lutein and zeaxanthin helps to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast and lung cancer, and contributes to the prevention of heart disease and stroke.
Green plants also contain a variety of carotenoids, flavonoids and other powerful antioxidants that have cancer-protective properties. In a Swedish study, it was reported that eating 3 or more servings a week of green leafy plants significantly reduced the risk of stomach cancer, the fourth most frequent cancer in the world. A higher consumption of green leafy vegetables has been shown to significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer and skin cancer.
Studies have identified a gene, connexin 43, whose expression is upregulated by chemopreventive carotenoids and which allows direct intercellular gap junctional communication. In many human tumors gap junctional communication is deficient and its upregulation is associated with decreased proliferation. Hence, the cancer-preventive properties of carotenoids are partly explained by their impact on gene regulation.
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found in leafy green plants. Quercetin has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity and displays unique anticancer properties. Quercetin is a natural compound that blocks substances involved in allergies and acts as an inhibitor of mast cell secretion, and causes a decrease in the release of interleukin-6.
Green, leafy plants provide a great variety of colours from the bluish-green of kale to the bright kelly green of turnip greens. Leafy greens run the whole gamut of flavours, from sweet to bitter, from peppery to earthy. Young plants generally have small, tender leaves and a mild flavor. Many mature plants have tougher leaves and stronger flavors. One should always choose crisp leaves with a fresh vibrant green color. Yellowing is a sign of age and indicates that the greens may have an off flavour. Salad greens provide a whole range of important nutrients and phytochemicals to keep us healthy.
Some of Doctor Sebi's recommended leafy plants are kale, amaranth, cactus leaf, lettuce (except iceberg), turnip greens, poke salad, watercress, dandelion greens, and purslane. 
#vegetariannutrition #emahshae www.emahshae.com

Signs Your Body Is Toxic

Is it time to cleanse? There are several certain signs that are reminding us that we should flush toxins out of our organism.

When toxins are accumulated in the body, they affect the central nervous system. As a result, headaches are a common symptom.

The extra fat in the belly area is a common sign of toxin overload. The toxins impede the ability of the body to regulate the glucose levels and cholesterol and alter the hormonal levels.

Itchy skin, rosacea, and other skin issues are common symptoms which indicate that you’ve got too many toxins. In this way your body is trying to eliminate them through your skin.

The liver in the process of eliminating the extra toxins can become overloaded. This may result in extra heat released by the liver, thus overheating the body.

Too many toxins in our system cause exhaustion and low energy levels.

This may be one of the earliest signs of toxin overload. The contaminated air affects the sinuses, and as a result, it can cause congestion of our sinuses.

Toxin overload in our tissues inhibits the blood circulation, which results in sleep difficulties and insomnia.

The toxins in the liver trigger heavy production of bile, which results with a clogged gall bladder.

If your tongue is white or yellow, then your bloodstream is probably flooded with toxins.

How To Remove Toxins:
Doctor Sebi recommends an African Bio Mineral Cleanse to remove toxin build up from the body. He does not recommend enemas nor colonics. Get Cleanse Bundles from www.emahshae.com 

Fasting with 4 litres (a gallon) of natural spring water daily and African Bio mineral supplements or sea vegetables like Irish Moss, or eating only the recommended fruits for a prolonged period, will also produce great results. African Bio Mineral supplements are available at www.emahshae.com

Sharon Herbalist Ross Emah Shae #emahshae