Dr Sebi questioned how laboratory produced vitamins and minerals could help a human biologically or physiologically
Can man successfully extract vitamins etc for human health? “If you could do that, and if you could really do that, then you are God. Only nature or God makes something electrical. No man could do that.”
"The body does not need enzymes, proteins, or vitamins. The body need electric food. Since the body is carbon based, when it receives plant food that is carbon based it is referred to as a chemical affinity. And because there is affinity, there is assimilation."
Minerals are expressed either as phosphates or oxides. They come in rock form but they have a corresponding plant that also represents that mineral. This comes about from the plant extracting the mineral from the soil and converting it into a liquid digestible substance. When this process is done in a lab the end result is non-electrical. This is why most supplements in health food stores are of little or no benefit.
“The body is not made up of any alphabetical order it is made up of minerals and when those minerals have been depleted by the presence of disease, a disease ensues. So you replace them in a natural form – in the form of a rock or a plant because it is electrical. Why does it have to be electrical? Because the body is electrical. How could you feed an electric body dead food. You just can’t do that! That’s not consistency.”
#emahshae www.emahshae.com