14 Dec 2017

How To Choose A Butternut Squash

A butternut is so self-reliant that it doesn't even need to be refrigerated, and can be stored in a cool dark place for several weeks. So how do you choose a good one? First, pick it up. It should be heavy for its size. Look it over and make sure its skin is firm and free of bruises. Check for brown frostbite scars, which can affect the squash's texture and longevity, and punctures or cuts, which can let bacteria in and cause mold.

What To Look For When You're At The Market:

* Weight: Choose a squash that is heavy for its size.
* Stem: The stem should be intact, firm, and dry.
* Colour: Choose squash that is rich and deep in color. A pale spot where the gourd rested on the ground is okay as long as it is not green.
* Surface: The skin should be dull and matte. Shiny skin indicates that the squash was picked too early.
* Avoid: Cuts, cracks, and soft spots, which can lead to mold growth. If the skin can be easily nicked, the squash was harvested too early.
* Label: If the sticker on it has a series of numbers beginning with "8", DO NOT BUY: it is genetically modified.

#emahshae www.emahshae.com