14 Dec 2017

Some Benefits of Irish Sea Moss

"Seamoss is alive... Seamoss is natural". - Doctor Sebi

This almost-tasteless seaweed is loaded with life-enhancing nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, among others. It is effective against diseases from cancer, diabetes, radiation poisoning, obesity, to cholesterol build-up and so on. Jamaicans popularly consume irish moss or sea moss because of its reported abilities to boost male libido and increase sperm count. Irish moss can be cooked, made into drinks or beverages, and even eaten raw or dried. Below are only a few of its benefits:-

* Skin, Muscle and Joint Pain
This "wonder seaweed" is known to cure various skin diseases, such as dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and sunburn. The moss can be applied topically or added in baths to moisturise and hydrate the skin. It is also said to prevent varicose veins, rashes and inflammation, as well as provide relief for muscle and joint pain. Irish moss is also known to be an aphrodisiac because it increases libido not only when taken orally but also when used in baths.

* Fungal and Microbial Infections
Irish moss has antiviral agents that cure and prevent respiratory ailments such as pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, flu and even tuberculosis. It is rich in potassium chloride, which is said to dissolve catarrhs, a mucus discharge caused by the swelling of the mucous membrane. This moss also has antimicrobial agents, which are used in making antibiotics to help fight bacterial and fungal infections. Eating the moss regularly can help cure, as well as prevent, these types of diseases.

* Thyroid-Related Diseases
The substantial amount of iodine found in sea moss helps in the production of thyroid hormones. The body needs iodine to strengthen the immune system in order to fight diseases. It actually serves as a microbial agent in which it filters out germs and other bacteria during blood circulation. Microorganisms easily enter the body through cuts or wounds of the skin, and via throat and nasal passages. These organisms are then transported by the blood to other parts of the body during blood circulation. If the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, then iodine is needed to help fight off these microorganisms.

* Food Additive
This type of seaweed contains carrageenan, an additive used to stabilise and emulsify food in order to retain its flavour and colour. The carrageenan is extracted from the sea moss and used to make gels to add to any kind of food that needs to be stabilised and thickened. There are also recipes that contain dried or raw sea moss as an ingredient.

* Accelerates Recovery. 
Irish Moss is great for strengthening connective tissues which makes it excellent for recovery from strenuous exercise, or even more extreme injuries, surgeries, or invasive procedures.

* Promotes Gorgeous Skin.
On the beauty front, irish moss can deliver a serious beauty boost because of its high sulfur content. You can apply the gel directly to your skin for a mini face lift, or consume it as a food and allow the nutritional boost to up your pretty factor. Irish moss can help to rehydrate dry skin, and leave it feeling smooth and supple. It is also effective on a number of severe skin disorders, including eczema, psoriasis, bad sunburns, and rashes.

* Encourages Healthy Digestion & Elimination
The fiber content in Irish moss makes it a mild and effective laxative; simultaneously it soothes inflamed tissues of the intestinal tract which provides relief for intestinal disorders. In regard to promoting good digestion, Irish moss’s demulcent properties soothe the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and the gelatin-like content helps to ease gastritis, dyspepsia, nausea, heartburn, indigestion, and can be used to prevent vomiting.

* Weightloss. 
Irish moss reduces the appetite by virtue of its ability to nourish with minerals, absorb moisture, increasing its volume and filling the intestinal tract with a bulking-type material, increasing the feeling of fullness and also aiding in the elimination process of waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Taking the moss improves thyroid function because of it’s iodine content, which in turn boosts metabolism, increases energy, and can help accelerate weight loss.

* Cure for Coughs, Respiratory Issues, & the Common Cold. 
Because Irish moss is an expectorant it can break up mucus and help clear out the lungs of any phlegm that builds up with a common cold, alleviate inflammation of the nasal passages, ease sore throat or dry coughing, and also can treat other respiratory problems such as bronchitis and even pneumonia. It is especially effective for pulmonary (lung) complaints with its ability to absorb liquid and eliminate it from the body.

* Assist with Healing of Radiation Poisoning & Cancer.
Irish moss is very helpful with the recovery of radiation poisoning and cancer. It actually absorbs toxins from the bowel and this gangsta seaweed literally draws radiation poisoning out of the body.

 Available  raw, wild-crafted, and hand-harvested from www.herbalsdirect.co.uk 

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