"the bone is calcium, not the blood; the blood is iron... if calcium is depleted, you'll have rickets or arthritis..." - Doctor Sebi
1. Calcium helps build stronger, denser bones and keeps bones healthy later in life. It also helps with the electricity in nerves, and with muscle contraction. In the heart, calcium is the mineral that plays a key role in causing the heart to contract. 99% of the calcium in the body is stored in the bones and teeth.
2. Calcium plays a big role in making muscles contract, helps to send messages through nerves, and also acts in the release of hormones. If calcium levels are low, the body will steal calcium from the bones to make up the difference.
3. Calcium makes up the hard outer structure of bones in the human body, and gives them their strength. The inside of bones is very spongy, and full of holes, which makes bones very light.
4. In humans, the glands responsible for regulating calcium are called parathyroid glands, and they are located around the thyroid gland in the neck. The parathyroid glands are so good at regulating calcium in the blood, the level of calcium usually only varies by 1-2%!
5. Although the largest place to find calcium in the body is in bones, it is also found in cartilage - the softer connective tissue located between different joints, the ear, nose, and the rib cage.
Some approved foods rich in calcium are kale, sour oranges, figs, turnip greens, olives, nopal, hemp seeds, fonio, sesame seeds, amaranth, and sea vegetables.
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