28 Dec 2017

Steps To Break The Bad Food Habit

Struggling with giving up bad and unhealthy foods? Here are some useful quick tips to break the bad food habit. Breaking habits is not easy; go easy on yourself, weaning slowly from one food at a time. Be sure to pat yourself on the back with each victory. There are many ways to break habits: here is one way.

1 - Inform Yourself
The first step is to observe yourself: figure out when -- and why -- you eat that particular food. Watch yourself and listen to your internal conversation as you reach for that food you are trying to eliminate. 

2 - Write it down
This seals it and gives you a baseline. It also makes your eating more conscious. Be sure to include all the emotions attached to the food, whether cultural, social, or just that it makes you feel good. Keep the writing for about a week while you analyse the data and look at what your usual triggers are. Write out a list of the pros and cons of this behaviour and keep a record of when you do it. Measurement of anything tends to change it and makes you much more aware in the first place.

3 - Change it up
Next, concentrate on changing up your body's environment. The African Bio Mineral approach is to change up the  body conditions to prepare for replacing the bad food. Doctor Sebi recommends fasting first, but if that is too challenging, then get a Cleanse Package. These are the best ways to help your body and mind respond better to change. 

Emah Shae #emahshae www.emahshae.com