For your therapeutic journey, only Spring water carries the minerals you need. Others will rob you of your reserve. Spring water is necessary to flush the cells. If nature didn't make it, don't take it. NO EXCEPTIONS: drink natural spring water ONLY. No other types are recommended.
Although key limes added to Spring water increases its alkalinity, also start adding lettuce, green leaves, shavings of burdock roots and approved weeds as items to help alkaline your water. Work with the water that you drink; not against it by adding things to it that will withdraw the minerals from the water.
If you have a spiralizer, then you'll be happy to know that you can put courgette (zucchini) curls in the bottom of your cup or glass of water and it will add to the mineral content. Will a pinch of sea salt help? Yes it will: it will add more electrical properties to it, as well as, help persons with thyroid issues. The same goes for putting sea vegetables in your water. Wrap up some Nori into a straw style stick and place it in your water.
Water that comes up out of the ground 90 degrees or above is naturally purified water. Distilled has a Ph of 7 which means it’s neutral, but distilled water is NOT GOOD to drink because it will rob you of your minerals. SPRING water has the minerals. Machine-made alkaline waters, filtered tap water, and purified waters also rob you of minerals.
Always check the source.